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Periodical article Periodical article Leiden University catalogue Leiden University catalogue WorldCat catalogue WorldCat
Title:The role of grandmothers as the primary caregivers in poor households and their own right to adequate food: examining two communities in the Breede valley, Western Cape Province, South Africa
Editor:Rendal, K.T.
Periodical:East African Journal of Peace and Human Rights (ISSN 1021-8858)
Geographic term:South Africa
food consumption
Abstract:South Africa's elderly are experiencing serious challenges affecting household food security. There are concerns about their use of the older persons grant regarding their right to adequate food. The aim of this study is to understand if and how the role of grandmothers as primary caregivers in poor households living in two communities in the Western Cape province of South Africa, affected the realization of their own right to adequate food. The grandmothers were the primary caregivers in the households and their grant money could not facilitate them in meeting their basic needs. Their realization of the right to adequate food was greatly affected by living with grandchildren. They reported sacrificing their own basic needs including food, to feed their grandchildren. Living with grandchildren was the biggest constraint to their access to adequate food for themselves and was identified as a major barrier to realizing their right to food and nutrition. Notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract]