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Book Book Leiden University catalogue Leiden University catalogue WorldCat catalogue WorldCat
Title:Grey-scales: negotiating the civil state in post-revolutionary Egypt
Author:Wessel, Sarah
City of publisher:Bonn
Publisher:Center for Applied Research in Partnership with the Orient (CARPO)
Geographic term:Egypt
Subjects:State-society relationship
Arab Spring
External link:http://carpo-bonn.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/CARPO_Study_03_2016_Wessel_printerfriendly.pdf
Abstract:As a slogan, dawla madaniyya (civil state) was one of the most often heard during the 2011 'Arab Spring' uprisings across the Arab World. In this Study, Sarah Wessel explores the changing state-society relations in Egypt, following the so-called 25 January Revolution until the ousting of Muhammad Mursi. By investigating the complex assumptions, perceptions and circumstances expressed in support of the civil state, the authors shows that the diverse notions indicate a deeper shared concern: whether the emerging political and social extremes can be reunified in order to rehabilitate the disintegration of the national collective. [abstract publisher]