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Periodical issue Periodical issue Leiden University catalogue Leiden University catalogue WorldCat catalogue WorldCat
Title:Special issue: the NRM regime and the 2016 Ugandan elections
Editors:Wilkins, Sam
Vokes, RichardISNI
Periodical:Journal of Eastern African Studies (ISSN 1753-1063)
Geographic term:Uganda
Subjects:National Resistance Movement
External link:https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rjea20/10/4
Abstract:This special issue grew out of a workshop entitled 'The NRM Regime in the 2016 Ugandan Elections' that was held at All Souls College, Oxford, on 22 April 2016. Contributions: Party, patronage and coercion in the NRM'S 2016 re-election in Uganda: imposed or embedded? (Richard Vokes & Sam Wilkins); The master of institutional multiplicity? The shifting politics of regime survival, state-building and democratisation in Museveni's Uganda (Frederick Golooba-Mutebi & Sam Hickey); Who pays for 'pakalast'? The NRM's peripheral patronage in rural Uganda (Sam Wilkins); From the electoral battleground to the parliamentary arena: understanding intra-elite bargaining in Uganda's National Resistance Movement (Michaela Collord); Primaries, patronage, and political personalities in South-western Uganda (Richard Vokes); Religious (de)politicisation in Uganda's 2016 elections (Henni Alava & Jimmy Spire Ssentongo); Where the wild things are not: crime preventers and the 2016 Ugandan elections (Rebecca Tapscott); Partisan defections in contemporary Uganda: the micro-dynamics of hegemonic party-building (Sandrine Perrot); Managing elite defection in Museveni's Uganda: the 2016 elections in perspective (Moses Khisa); Challenging dominance: the opposition, the coalition and the 2016 election in Uganda (Nicole Beardsworth); 'Land belongs to the people of Uganda': politicians' use of land issues in the 2016 election campaigns (Lotte Meinert & Anne Mette Kjær); A history of the heritage economy in Yoweri Museveni's Uganda (Derek R. Peterson). [ASC Leiden abstract].