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Periodical article Periodical article Leiden University catalogue Leiden University catalogue WorldCat catalogue WorldCat
Title:Strength, mobility, and variety: central discourses which undermine tourisms ability to subvert broader gender orders in Botswana
Author:Hirtenfelder, Claudia Towne
Periodical:African Studies (ISSN 1469-2872)
Geographic term:Botswana
gender relations
External link:https://doi.org/10.1080/00020184.2017.1285668
Abstract:Tourism is often identified for its subversive potential, its ability to change the behaviours of locals (whether positively or negatively). This is certainly the case when authors discuss the feminisation of the industry and how such work exposes women to alternative gender orders (involving gender practices, relations, identities, and roles). Botswana's National Ecotourism Strategy (NES) made similar presuppositions. Using the dominant and dichotomous discourses from how Batswana life and labour are structured as well as those for how labour within the camp itself is arranged, this article attempts to identify whether the gender order of the camp goes anyway in subverting that of the village (and Batswana more broadly). The article finds that the camp does little in this regard and therefore focuses on the given discourses and contemplates why the subversion potential of tourism has been curtailed. Bibliogr., notes, ref., sum. [Journal abstract]