Title: | Extreme Poverty and Existential Obligations: Beyond Morality in the Anthropology of Africa? |
Author: | Englund, Harri |
Year: | 2008 |
Periodical: | Social Analysis (ISSN 0155-977X) |
Volume: | 52 |
Issue: | 3 |
Period: | December |
Pages: | 33-50 |
Language: | English |
Geographic term: | Malawi |
Subject: | poverty |
External link: | https://doi.org/10.3167/sa.2008.520302 |
Abstract: | The suggestion that the anthropological study of morality is theoretically undeveloped carries with it the risk of caricaturing ideas of moral obligation in mid-twentieth-century social anthropology. The need for recovering aspects of these ideas is demonstrated by the tendency of moral philosophers to reduce the issue of world poverty to a question of ethical choices and dilemmas. |