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Periodical article Periodical article
Title:La fédération des entreprises du congo: organisation, fonctionnement et compétences
Author:Mangaza, Marc Kamananga
Periodical:KAS African Law Study Library (ISSN 2363-6262)
Geographic term:Congo (Democratic Republic of)
External link:https://www.nomos-elibrary.de/index.php?doi=10.5771/2363-6262-2021-4-536
Abstract:The drc is a country whose economic potential is no longer to be demonstrated. the private actors involved in this dynamic at the national level have taken the decision to regroup on their own initiative around the federation of enterprises of congo (fec), which is a non-profit organization under the terms of the law n° 004/2001 of july 20, 2001 bearing general provisions applicable to non-profit associations and public utility establishments. this private institution allows congolese entrepreneurs to meet and discuss issues that concern their activities and, where appropriate, defend their interests for the achievement of their individual or collective goals. the fec has national, provincial and municipal bodies. thus, it includes organs with general national competence which are the general assembly; the board of directors; the management committee and the auditors); but also organs with special national competence called commissions or chambers and organs with general material competence within the limits of their territorial jurisdiction.