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Periodical article Periodical article
Title:De la Conformité des frais de dépôt des candidatures exigées en RDC à la Constitution et aux instruments juridiques internationaux de protection des droits de l'homme: Plaidoyer pour la réduction à la baisse de la caution électorale
Author:Clément, Shamashanga Minga
Periodical:KAS African Law Study Library (ISSN 2363-6262)
Geographic term:Congo (Democratic Republic of)
External link:https://www.nomos-elibrary.de/index.php?doi=10.5771/2363-6262-2023-3-255
Abstract:This article examines the compliance of the application fees charged in the Democratic Republic of Congo's electoral process with the constitution and international legal instruments for the protection of human rights. It shows that the amount of the electoral deposit set in congolese law is very high and is not compatible with the congolese constitution of February 18, 2006 and the international legal arsenal for the protection of human rights, which enshrine the equality of citizens before the law and prohibit any discrimination based on wealth in terms of access to public functions. The study suggests that the congolese authorities reduce the amount of the deposit in order to comply with the constitution and international human rights standards and to encourage the active participation of citizens of modest means in the electoral process. In this perspective, the study proposes that the congolese legislator be inspired by the legislation of other countries that enshrine the principle of reimbursement of the deposit to candidates and political parties that have obtained a certain number of votes set by law and that make the deposit the instrument for the participation of women and young people in the elections by exempting the lists that present this category from paying the required electoral deposit.