Title: | La compétence électorale du juge constitutionnel congolais en matiere de contentieux de candidature faits et fondement de son raisonnement judiciaire |
Author: | Bamangana, Renia Binaki |
Year: | 2023 |
Periodical: | KAS African Law Study Library (ISSN 2363-6262) |
Volume: | 10 |
Issue: | 3 |
Pages: | 338-353 |
Language: | French |
Geographic term: | Congo (Democratic Republic of) |
Subject: | law |
External link: | https://www.nomos-elibrary.de/index.php?doi=10.5771/2363-6262-2023-3-338 |
Abstract: | In analyzing the exercise of the jurisdiction of the congolese constitutional court in matters of candidacy disputes, this study has circumscribed the judge's reasoning, which is a reasoning of legality due to the fact that the judge must confront his argument with the legal prescriptions. The deployment of this competence is subordinated to two indispensable moments of its exercise: the decision of inadmissibility and the seizure of the judge by the parties. |